
Each Fantomon spawns with two attacks.

Each Fantomon spawns with two attacks. Any Fantomon can spawn any attacks. Normal Attacks correspond to "Attack" and "Defense" stats, and Special Attacks correspond to "Special Attack" and "Special Defense" stats.

Probabilities listed next to each section correspond to the probability of minting each Attack in that section.

Note: there will be mechanisms to learn new attacks, but it will not be easy!

Note: Attack "Effects" are still being determined.

Note: All Attack Powers are subject to change during combat balancing

Normal Attacks

Common: 10% each

Rare: 5% each

Epic: 1.33% each

Legendary: 0.33% each

Special Attacks

Common: 10% each

Rare: 5% each

Epic: 1.33% each

Legendary: 0.33% each

Last updated